BS 619:2002 pdf download – Roofing products from metal sheet — Specification for self supporting products of steel, aluminium or stainless steel sheet Part 2: Aluminium
Reverse side painting or coating is used if being required for handling and storage reasons as well as forcorrosion protection in some installation conditions.
Performance and test methods for coil coated aluminium shall be in accordance with EN 1396.
NOTE 3 Special coatings or flms may be applied to the reverse side to reduce the dripping of moisture caused bycondensation.
4.3.1 Mechanical resistance
The product shall resist the design loads from snow,wind and maintenance. These loads shall be factoredsuch that they will not impair the performance of the roof.
NOTE The load level, the levels of safety and permissible deflection are defined in national building regulations.
4.3.2Calculation and tests of mechanical resistance
The mechanical performance of the product shall be stated by the manufacturer, together with details of howthe values were determined in accordance with the national regulations of the country where the product is tobe used.
NOTE 1 For calculation and testing either national regulations or EN 1999-1-4 may be used.
NOTE2 Calculation and test methods referred to in thisEN mainly deal with trapezoidal sheets. Tiles, standing seamsheets and concealed fix sheets are used in proprietary roofing systems, no structural requirements are given within thisstandard for these products. These products should normally be designed by testing.
4.3.3. Dimensions General
The dimensions of the product shall be fixed in order that the roof constructed with these products can fulfil itsfunctions.
Measurements of the thickness of manufactured products such as profiled sheets shall be made not less than10 mm from the edges in accordance with EN 485-4.
Products shall be classified according to tolerance on thickness as follows:
class 1: full minus nominal normal tolerance according to EN 485-4;
-class 2: 1/2 minus nominal normal tolerance according to EN 485-4;
-class 3: zero minus tolerance.
NOTE1 For products of class 3, mechanical resistance is calculated using the minimum thickness of the aluminiumcore guaranteed by the manufacturer.
NOTE2 National regulations will state the class of product that it will be possible to use.
4.3.4 Dimensional tolerances for the profiled sheet
Tolerances for the profile shape of the product and methods of measurement shall be in accordance withAnnex B.
4.3.5Safety in case of fire
Until the withdrawal of national technical specifications, products coated with organic coatings shall complywith these specifications.
NOTE1 The withdrawal of national technical specifications will occur in the European Union at the end of thetransitional period of EN 14782.
NOTE2 Aluminium is will not burn and will not support combustion.lts melting point isapproximately 630 °C, so it will melt in an intense fire. It is essential that the effect of a fire is evaluated after studying thewhole structure.
5Test methods
5.1Material properties
Test methods for material properties are given in the appropriate material standards as detailed in properties
Test methods for surface properties are given in EN 1396.
5.3Structural properties
The performance of the product under distributed load shall be determined in accordance with 4.3.1 and 4.3.2.The performance of the product under concentrated load shall be quoted by the manufacturer with referenceto the method used to determine the results.
NOTE Safety under the load from people and the risk of permanent deformation is dependent on many factors, suchas slope of roof, method of installation,etc.
Methods for testing the strength under concentrated load are not yet available on a European level. Information onnational standards is given in Annex C.Rules for installation are given in some national codes.
6 Designation
Products covered by this part of EN 508 shall be designated as follows:
– type of product according to the designation of the manufacturer;
—European standard number;