BS 7582:2021 pdf download – Reconditioning of used safes and secure safe cabinets — Code of practice
5Reconditioning operations
The safe should be inspected for evidence of attack or opening following a lock-out. Any damage tothe body or door, especially drilled holes or part holes, should be repaired to restore the originalstrength, hardness, toughness, and thermal cutting resistance.A check that the door is central in itsframe and for wear of hinge pivots should be carried out.
NOTE 1 The original safe manufacturer, without accepting any legal liability, might be prepared to offer adviceregarding safes of their own manufacture, based on information supplied to them.
Any principal working part replaced in reconditioning a safe should be an authentic part suppliedby the original manufacturer; or a part of equivalent or better quality where the authentic partis unavailable.Replacement locks should be certified to BS EN 1300 in accordance with therequirements of the relevant standard for the safe.
Where an identical lock is no longer available, a lock of equivalent or higher specification shouldbe fitted.The replacement lock should have no detrimental effects to the boltwork mechanismand should operate in line with the original design. The size and type of lock bolt, along with theminimum engagement should not be less than the original.
NOTE 2 Where a proprietary item, such as a lock is part of the original specification of the safe, an identicalreplacement may be obtained elsewhere.
Any specific information relating to the reconditioning of a used safe, which could be of assistancein its later compromise, should be the subject of a stringent security discipline by the organizationresponsible for carrying out the reconditioning operations. A record of upgrades should be providedwith the reconditioned safe.
Safes with a certified label claiming compliance with the relevant standards covered by the scope ofthis standard should be restored to the grade claimed but no higher grade can be claimed.
Specialist advice should be sought before handling safes known to contain hazardous materials, suchas, but not limited to, asbestos.
NOTE 3 Asbestos was banned in the UK in 1999.It was mainly used in the house building industry, however,asbestos can be found in a few safes prior to this date, although not used by many manufacturers.
5.2Boltwork and locks5.2.1 Boltwork
Boltwork should be checked for wear, then cleaned and lubricated with graphite or a similarsubstance,e.g. a non abrasive grease, and then reinstated.
NOTE Lithium grease or copper grease would be appropriate.5.2.2Mechanical locks Key locks
The levers of the existing lock should be removed and rearranged with new keys cut to the newpattern.The original number oflevers should not be reduced; the gate or bridge tolerances shouldnot be eased. If a new replacement lock is fitted then this should be of the same or more secureperformance. The size, type and throw of the lock bolt and the minimum engagement with theboltwork should not be less than the original. locks
Combination locks should be checked for wear and cleaned where required.Where there are signsof wear, a completely new lock should be fitted equal or to a higher certified grade lock, conformingto BS EN 1300 and reset to factory setting. lf a new replacement lock is fitted then this should be ofthe same or more secure performance.The size, type and throw of the lock bolt and the minimumengagement with the boltwork should not be less than the original.
5.2.3 Electronic locks
Electronic locks should be checked for wear, new batteries fitted and returned to factory setting orreplaced with an equal or higher certified grade lock. If a new replacement lock is fitted then thisshould be of the same or more secure performance.The size, type and throw of the lock bolt and theminimum engagement with the boltwork should not be less than the original.
5.3 Relocking devices
Any relocking device and its components should be examined for effectiveness and wear and tear.lffound to be defective or ineffectual, the relocking device should be replaced with a new device whichoperates identically as the original was intended.
5.4Anchorage points
Anchorage points should be examined for resilience.Any graded units that show signs of damage tothe anchorage points should be scrapped.