BS EN 55011:2009 pdf download – Industrial, scientific and medical equipment — Radio-frequency disturbance characteristics — Limits and methods of measurement
ln some CENELEC countries different or additional frequencies may be designated for use withISM RF applications in the meaning of the definition found in the ITU Radio Regulations,seedefinition 3.1.These frequencies are listed in Table ZB.1(see Annex ZB).
The limits for the disturbance voltage and radiation disturbance defined in this standard do also notapply to the fundamental lSM frequencies listed in Table ZB.1. If ISM RF applications use fundamentalfrequencies other than the lTU or nationally designated frequencies, then the limits for the disturbancevoltage and radiation disturbance of this standard apply also to these fundamental frequencies.C
5 Classification of ISM equipment
5.1Information for the user
The manufacturer and/or supplier of lSM equipment shall ensure that the user is informedabout the class and group of the equipment,either by labelling or by the accompanyingdocumentation. In both cases the manufacturerlsupplier shall explain the meaning of both theclass and the group in the documentation accompanying the equipment.
ln the case of arc welding equipment which contains arc striking or stabilizing devices or in thecase of stand-alone arc striking or stabilizing devices for arc welding, the manufacturer shallinform the user that such equipment is class A equipment.
5.2separation into groups
Group 1 equipment: group 1 contains all equipment in the scope of this standard which is notclassified as group 2 equipment.
Group 2 equipment: group 2 contains all ISM RF equipment in which radio-frequency energy inthe frequency range 9 kHiz to 400 GHz is intentionally generated and used or only used, in theform of electromagnetic radiation,inductive and/or capacitive coupling,for the treatment ofmaterial or inspectionlanalysis purposes.
NOTE See Annex A for examples of the separation of equipment into group 1 or 2.
5.3Division into classes
Class A equipment is equipment suitable for use in all establishments other than domestic andthose directly connected to a low voltage power supply network which supplies buildings usedfor domestic purposes.
Class A equipment shall meet class A limits.
Warning: Class A equipment is intended for use in an industrial environment. ln thedocumentation for the user, a statement shall be included drawing attention to the fact thatthere may be potential difficulties in ensuring electromagnetic compatibility in otherenvironments, due to conducted as well as radiated disturbances.
Class B equipment is equipment suitable for use in domestic establishments and inestablishments directly connected to a low voltage power supply network which suppliesbuildings used for domestic purposes.
Class B equipment shall meet class B limits.
6Limits of electromagnetic disturbances
6.1 General
Class A equipment may be measured either on a test site or in situ, as preferred by themanufacturer.
NOTE 1 Due to size,complexity or operating conditions, some equipment may have to be measured in situ inorder to show compliance with the radiation disturbance limits specified herein.
Class B equipment shall be measured on a test site.
NOTE 2 The limits have been determined on a probabilistic basis taking into account the likelihood of interference.ln cases of interference,additional provisions may be required.
The lower limit shall apply at all transition frequencies.
Excluded from the testing requirements and limits of this standard are components andsubassemblies not intended to perform any stand-alone ISM function.
Measuring apparatus and methods of measurement are specified in Clauses 7,8 and 9.
6.2Group 1 equipment measured on a test site
6.2.1 Limits of terminal disturbance voltage
The equipment under test shall meet either:
a) both the average limit specified for measurements with an average detector and the quasipeak limit specified for measurements with a quasi-peak detector (see 7.3); or
b) the average limit when using a quasi-peak detector (see 7.3). Frequency range 9 kHz to 150 kHz
For group 1 equipment, no limits apply in this frequency range. Frequency range 150 kHz to 30 MHz
Limits for mains terminal disturbance voltages in the frequency range 1 50 kHz to 30 MHz for equipment measured on a test site using the 50 Ω/50 μH CISPR network or the CISPR voltage probe (see 7.3.3 and Figure 4) are given in Tables 2 and 3.