BS EN 60358-2:2013 pdf download – Coupling capacitors and capacitor dividers Part 2: AC or DC single-phase coupling capacitor connected between line and ground for power line carrier-frequency (PLC) application
a) air-gap arrester; measurement of the protection level voltage; the voltage AC or DC is increased until breakdown.The breakdown voltage must be withinthe range specified by the manufacturer;
b) arrester; measurement of the reference voltage of arrester; the AC voltage is increased on the arrester until the current reach 1 mA r.m.s, themeasured reference voltage must be within the range specified by the manufacturer.
10 Type tests Clause 10 of lEC 60358-1:2012 is applicable with the following additions:10.200 Test on capacitor 10.200.1 High frequency capacitance and equivalent series resistance The measurements shall be carried out on a complete capacitor or on a capacitor unit. The capacitances and the equivalent series resistances shall be measured at the two temperaturesequal to the limits of the temperature category and at a temperature within the standard rangefor testing (IEC 60358-1:2012,Clause 7), at several frequencies over the whole frequencyrange specified in Clause 1.
The measured values of the capacitance between the line and low voltage terminals shall notdeviate by more than -20 % to +50 % from the rated capacitance. For very high capacitance value and higher rated voltage values, the self-inductance of thecapacitor (typical 1 uH/m) will not permit to cover the complete PLC frequency range given inClause 1. in that case the usable frequency range shall be agreed between manufacturer andpurchaser (see Annex AA).
The measured values of the equivalent series resistance between the line and low voltageterminals of the complete equipment shall not exceed 40 Q at any frequency and temperature. For the lower measuring frequencies (for instance 30 kHz to 100 kHz) with a temperatureequal to the lower limit of the category, or for capacitor stacks with a capacitance equal to orless than 2 000 pF, or for Um greater than 420 kV, the equivalent series resistance may behigher than 40 32.
In this case,the value shall be agreed between manufacturer andpurchaser. For high frequency characteristics and measuring methods,see Annex AA.
Iln the case of practical difficulties in carrying out the measurements at the limits of thetemperature category, the purchaser and the manufacturer may agree on measurements overa smaller temperature range, or on measurements performed on a model capacitor containinga limited number of elements. 10.200.2 Measurement of the stray capacitance and stray conductance of the lowvoltage terminal
The values of the stray capacitance and the stray conductance, measured at any frequency inthe carrier frequency range, shall not exceed 200 pF and 20 us respectively.
To avoid a harmful increase of the stray conductance in polluted ambient conditions,the lowvoltage terminal should have a creepage distance in accordance with IEC 60358-1:2012,6.2.7.
10.201 Type test on carrier frequency accessories10.201.1 General
The routine tests according to shall be repeated after the type tests.
10.201.2 Type tests for drain coil lmpedance measurement
The impedance shall be measured within the carrier-frequency range. The proposedfrequency steps are 30,50,100,200,300,400 and 500 kHz.
The value of impedance shall be within the specified limit. voltage test
The impulse voltage test shall be performed between the terminals of the drain coil installedin its enclosure after disconnecting the voltage limitation device.
The peak value shall be twice the value of the impulse spark voltage of the voltage limitationdevice, but the minimum value should be 10 kv peak.
Ten 1,2 / 50 us voltage impulses shall be applied in sequence, five negative and five positive(see lEC 60060-1). carrying capability test
The current carrying capability test shall be carried out,by applying a power frequencyvoltage between the terminals of the drain coil.The test voltage shall be adjusted to achievethe rated current that shall not be less than 1 A (r.m.s). During this test the temperature riseAT shall be measured and the test shall be continued until the temperature has reached asteady state (AT < 1 K/h). The temperature rise shall not exceed the appropriate value givenin Table 200.