BS ISO 6727:2021 pdf download – Road vehicles — Motorcycles and mopeds — Symbols for controls, indicators and tell-tales
2 Normative references
There are no normative references in this document.
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at
— IEC Electropedia: available at
visually perceptible figure used to transmit information independently of language, produced by drawing, printing or other means
[SOURCE: ISO 2575:2010, 3.1]
display that indicates, by means of a light-emitting device, the actuation of a device, a correct or defective functioning or condition, or a failure to function
[SOURCE: ISO 2575:2010, 3.2]
visually perceptible graphic, generally larger in size than a symbol (3.1), designed for a label,tag or sticker
[SOURCE: ISO 2575:2010, 3.3]
4.9 Each symbol used for the identification of a tell-tale, control or indicator shall stand out clearly against the background.
4.10 Letters and numerals may be used as symbols, but are not registered by ISO/TC 145, Graphical symbols, or published in ISO 7000. For example, the letters R, N, D, listed as symbols <MG.01 to MG.03>, have the meaning indicated when used in association with transmission gear controls and displays on road vehicles. The fonts shown in this document are not intended to be restrictive; other fonts may be substituted provided that legibility is maintained.
4.11 “Failure” or “malfunction” may be conveyed in two ways:
a) Base symbol combined with a colour code according to 5.1;
b) Base symbol combined with failure symbol <MN.02>; optionally, an appropriate colour code in accordance with 5.1 may be added.
4.12 ISO/IEC registration numbers are shown for symbols in this document where applicable. Registration numbers below 5 000 refer to ISO 7000. Registration numbers above 5 000 refer to IEC 60417. Artwork in this document might differ from the artwork shown in IEC 60417, ISO 7000 or the IEC/ISO database on graphical symbols for use on equipment. In this case, the artwork in this document shall be used.
4.13 The symbol numbers not represented are reserved for those symbols still under consideration at the time of publication of this document. It is envisaged that the status of these symbols and the numbers will be resolved by the next revision of this document.
4.14 Symbols in the annexes (except Annex O) of this document are presented at 32 % of original size. The grid marks “∟” denote the corners of the original 75 mm square. The grid marks are not part of the symbol but are provided to ensure consistent presentation of all symbol graphics. 4.15 New symbols for functions not yet covered in this document should be constructed using symbols or elements of symbols from this document in a logical manner, keeping the coherence with other symbols already published.
5 Colour
5.1 When the following colours are used on the optical tell-tales, they shall have the meaning indicated below:
— red: danger to persons or very serious damage to equipment, immediate or imminent.
— amber (yellow): caution, outside normal operating limits, vehicle system malfunction, damage to vehicle likely, or other condition which can produce hazard in the longer term.
— green: safe, normal operating condition (except if blue or amber is required by annexes). A given symbol may be shown in more than one of these colours in order to convey the indicated meanings. 5.2 Certain colours are used for specific tell-tales (refer to “symbol description/application” column in the annexes):
— blue: e.g. high beam, main beam.
— green: e.g. turn signals.
— amber (yellow): e.g. failure of anti-lock brake system.
— red: e.g. hazard warning.
5.3 If colour is used on symbols for heating and/or cooling systems, the colour red shall be used to indicate hot, and the colour blue shall be used to indicate cold.
5.4 The colour white may be used where none of the above conditions applies.
5.5 A given symbol may be shown in more than one of the colours specified in 5.1 in order to convey a change in the operating condition.
6 Summary table of all symbols
Table 1 provides a pictorial summary of the symbols in each annex.