BS 61360-6:2017 pdf download – Standard data element types with associated classification scheme for electric components Part 6: IEC Common Data Dictionary (l EC CDD) quality guidelines 3.2 Abbreviat ed term s IEC CD D IEC Common Data Dictionary 4 Data structure fundamentals 4.1 Gen eral For the convenience of the reader , Clause 4 describes key concepts used in the IEC 61360 series and in related standards in a generic form for creating a basic understanding of the information objects that make up IEC 61360 compliant dictionaries . For the detailed , normative information , please refer to Part 1 and Part 2 of IEC 61360 . Additional information can be found in [7] 1 and [8]. An IEC 61360 compliant dictionary provides an ordered collection of concepts and characteristics that can be used for describing products or services in data sheets , engineering tools , or electronic business applications , etc . These items may be any material or non-material products , services , functions , locations , doc u mentations , etc . AII concepts and characteristics shall be valid within a well defined domain and shall always have a definition . For this the understanding of the following fundamental concepts is essential : -class; -property; -attribute. 4.2 Class A class is an abstraction of a set of products. NOTE 1 IEC 61360-2 differentiates between various kinds of classes.For the purpose of this part “class isunderstood as “categorization class” (see 3.1.3, NOTE 5). These products all serve the same purpose or fulfil the same function and share a number ofcommon peculiarities. Thus, classes serve multiple purposes establishing a classification system that allows easy sorting of an item into this system ofconcepts and thus specifying the nature of the item in question; EXAMPLEThe taxonomy of species, introduced by Carl von Linne at 1735, is an early representative of aclassification system. His groupings for animals remain to this day even though the groupings themselves havebeen significantly changed since their conception. providing scoping information for the assigned characteristics and thus providinginformation about their intended domains of uses; -grouping of characteristics into easily manageable sets. A class may be seen as a placeholder for all products of the same kind,such as the class ofamplifiers. A product is any material or non-material object being defined for some purpose.Material products include concepts such as articles, goods,material commodities,etc.,whereas non-material products include concepts such as...

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