BS 85600:2017 pdf download – Post-event flood assessments — Guidance on investigating flooding incidents 8.3 Effectiveness of response to flooding Once the site survey is completed the responses of the organizations listed in Annex A before, duringand after the flood should be established, to assess whether these were effective, and recorded. 9Learning from the flood event ldentifying learning points from flood events is a key step to understanding and improving flood riskmanagement. Learning points might be relevant to individuals, groups, organizations or across theflood risk management sector, to establish what went well and could be seen as good practice andwhat did not go well and needs to be improved. Learning points should be related to the main areas covered in the report (see Annex C) and shouldbe proportionate to the scale of the flooding e.g.incidents.Efforts should be made to record whatwent well (positives) and areas for improvement(negatives) to demonstrate balance.For example:.Did the flood occur as expected? . Were local arrangements in place,e.g.emergency plans, community flood plans, and, if so, did they work as planned? Was there engagement and data/resource sharing between RMAs? Did the flood asset infrastructure work? lf it failed, could the cause be established? Was any warning sufficient: timely, understandable and of the appropriate level? (See Annex Bwhich describes the aspirations of the Environment Agency to provide a flood warning service.)Did the dissemination of the warning to the public work? Did stakeholders heed any warning and take appropriate mitigation action? Were there adequateresources to deal with the flooding? Learning points should be as specific and clear as possible, and should cover each issue andwhat happened. lt is not necessary to identify how something can be improved or make a commitment to addressingan issue that has arisen, but if there is an obvious solution this should be reported.Any commitmentto act should be reviewed more widely than is possible during the flood reporting stage.However,learning points should stand alone so they can feed swiftly into improvement plans. lf any learning points are identified for other organizations, i.e.not those drafting the report, theseshould be discussed with the other party before finalizing any recommendation. 10Compilation and publication of the report 10.1 Initial draft and consultation with RMAs The outcomes of the data collection (Clause 5 and Clause 7), including photographs, maps, eyewitnessreports, etc., should be fed into an initial draft report. The report should also include any identified issues (see Clause 8 and...

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