BS 7858:2019 pdf download – Screening of individuals working in a secure environment – Code of practice The screening process should be arried out in accordlance with this British Slandard, rgadless of an Indvdual’s prevous employment, even if that employment was in a secure environment. NOTE 5 Altention i8 drnowm to the Rhbiention o/ fenders Aot 1974 124L the Rehubiration of ffemders (Sotand)Act 1974 [3 and the Renbliatonn of fenders (Norhern Ieland) Onder 1978 14. NOTE6 Attenton is drown to new and emerging technologie for asessing the choracter and sutabilitly of indvrdwals. Ror some role it might be prudent to seek ddiona/ injomation wsing bet practie social medin and other open sourme intermet checis to prowde greater insights and reduce risk Por guldance, see the FCI Fioanclal Crime Guide (51 Where any element of the screening process is automated, the recommendations of thls British Standard should be fllowel 7.2 Administration The screening controller should ensure that screening data is held confidentally and stored securely to prevent unauthorized access and alteration. NOTE 1 Attention is drnowm to the relevrnt dato prtection lgisintiom. NOTE2 With rgard to the stornge of lectronic data, ttetion ir drowm to the fllowing tandards: as EN 180/ IEC 27001, BS EN ISO/EC 27002 and BS 7993 The onganization’s screening working practices should be repularty reviewed and updated if necessary and should deal with such matters as clearing desks, locking fling cabinets, ete at the end of the working day; disposing of confidential waste (including spoiled documents, etc]; the control of access to data, recordings of telephone conversations, etc. Organtzations should malntaln the fllowing in electronlc or paper format: ) a separate fle for each indtvldual subjected to screening, The files of all indlvlduals currently employed but stll subject to completion of screening should be identied separately from other employee fles; and 5) verication propress sheets [or quivoleng) for each idividual subjeted to screeing. Where applicable, recards should clearly indiate that an individual is cnditionally emplayed but stull subject to completion of screening. Records should show prominently the dates on which such employment commenced and is to cease if screening is not completed within 12 or 16 weeks alter the date of commencement, dependent on the sreeing perlod. 7.3 Provision of information 7.3.1 General Evidence should be obtained to see whether or not there is anything in the indlvldual’s background which would reflect adversely upon their suitability for...

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